Are you ready for 1st September? - The Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations |Are you ready for 1st September? - The Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations

Are you ready for 1st September? – The Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations

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The UK Government updated the 2014 Heat Networks (Metering and Billing) Regulations on 27th November 2020 to include new building classes and the requirement to have implemented metering by 1st September 2022 in certain cases.

For some buildings, the November 2020 update includes the requirement to complete a BEIS issued Cost Effectiveness Calculator to determine viability of metering.

What’s the purpose of the Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations?

The Heat Network(Metering & Billing) Regulations aim to drive energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions from heating and cooling systems as part of the decarbonisation of heat and our national NetZero plans by 2050, which is good, but there’s a problem.

A lot of district heat networks and communal heating systems operators are unaware of their obligations – and the penalties for non-compliance.

Our team at Inteb has carried out over 200 Heat Network feasibility surveys over recent months, showing some startling results. Using our proprietary heat network tool it’s clear from our observations that many buildings with central heating or cooling systems still require the installation of meters to bill tenants properly according to the legislation.

What building types need to follow these regulations?

In short: All.

The Regulations do not discriminate between building types, whether residential, retail, industrial or commercial.

If you’re a heat supplier (for example a landlord) or organisation that supplies and charges a heating or cooling system to a tenant either through a communal (single building) or a district (multi-building) heat network, you will need to have determined your building class and taken appropriate action as below.

This also covers the supply of domestic hot water.

The charge for water and heating is included in the service charge for many properties. But this is set to change due to the regulations. From 1st September, people pay for what they use, rather than splitting a cost and being over or undercharged.

To help you further, here are the building classes and what applies to each:

  • Viable: In these, final customer meters are always mandatory.
  • Open: Final customer meters may be required, but you’ll need complete the BEIS Cost Effectiveness Calculator to determine your obligations under the Regulations
  • Exempt: No requirement to install meters for final customers. Also, no assessment of feasibility or cost-effectiveness is required either.

If you’re still unsure, maybe Inteb can help?

Helping you get ready for the Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations changes

WIth only 4-months to go before the deadline, failure to act means you could be hit with a hefty fine for non-compliance by the Office for Product and Safety Standards (OPSS).

To make sure that doesn’t happen, contact Inteb now to understand your obligations.

Not only can we explain your building class (including if you are exempt), we can also advise and install the equipment you need to make sure you meet the Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulation changes by 1st September 2022.

Are you ready for the changes?

Call Jamie Flanagan on 0151 601 3476 or email [email protected]