The importance of proper energy planning for your business - Inteb

The importance of proper energy planning for your business


Whether you are an occupier or landlord, energy costs are a major part of any business’ operating costs. And with added pressure of aligning your business to meet the ESG agenda, net-zero and sustainability targets, it’s understandable if it feels completely overwhelming.

What is energy planning and why is it important?

If energy costs and targets are making your head spin, a proper energy plan is vital as it allows you to:

  • Future proofing buildings
  • Engage with stakeholders – owners, occupiers and investors
  • Track and measure the energy consumption within your organisation
  • Reduce energy costs
  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Meet your sustainability goals
  • Reduce confusion about what you need to do next

WIthout a plan, you run the risk of:

  • Uncontrolled energy costs
  • Power outages
  • Losing functionality
  • Depreciation of assets
  • Being uncompetitive and missing out on contracts
  • Being fined

Ultimately, creating an energy plan is important because it will help your business to reduce carbon emissions and achieve ESG, net-zero and sustainability goals.

The 6 benefits for creating an effective energy plan

An effective business energy strategy can reap huge benefits for businesses. If you’re still unsure it’s worth creating one, here are five reasons why you should:

1. Keep your business compliant

Complying with regulations can be tricky. For instance, did you know commercial buildings require a Display Energy Certificate (DEC)?

If not, then you’re already one step behind.

2. Set energy goals and targets

By knowing what you’re using and where energy is being wasted, it makes it easy to set targets to reduce your emissions.

 3. Become a leader in renewable sources

By 2050, 87% of the world’s energy is expected to be a mixture of solar and wind power, so by switching to renewable energy now, you’re getting one up on your competitors.

4. Save money

Renewable energy costs less, so by cutting out the use of fossil fuels, you’ll protect your business from spiralling energy costs. Plus, energy saving equipment does what it says on the tin,it uses less energy, so you’re constantly saving money on your bills.

5. Attract and retain staff

Nothing wastes your time like a revolving door of staff and interviews. By engaging staff to contribute to lowering emissions, you’ll make them feel like they’re making a huge difference (because they will be).

And what’s more, the new generation of workers are clued up on environmental issues and want to work for companies who take sustainability seriously.

6. Great PR opportunity

Going green is great for your business reputation. It can make you a leader in your community and also help you to attract contacts from other businesses looking to green their supply chain.

7. Sharing data

An energy plan can help the transparency and accessibility of energy data so that stakeholders can work together to cut waste and reduce carbon emissions.

Challenges of implementing an energy plan

Creating an effective energy plan is one thing, but implementing it is another. And even with good intentions, you may hit several stumbling blocks, including:

  • Collecting and analysis accurate energy data
  • Securing finances to fund your sustainability projects
  • Engaging employees and stakeholders to take part in the process
  • Measuring and reporting progress

Sound like problems you’re having?

Then why not talk to us?

Helping you overcome the challenges of energy planning

At Inteb, we have unrivalled experience helping customers with their net-zero strategy and energy efficiency, including:

  • EPC and MEES compliance
  • Energy procurement and bill validation
  • Solar PV optimisation

We can also help you identify the most effective energy systems for your organisation, as well as assist you with obtaining financing to help you do so.

Need help with your energy plan?

Call us now on 0151 601 3476 or email [email protected]