Navigating ESOS Compliance: Inteb Recognised as an Energy Efficiency Expert by the Energy Institute - Inteb

Navigating ESOS Compliance: Inteb Recognised as an Energy Efficiency Expert by the Energy Institute


A new Energy Efficiency Experts register has been launched by the Energy Institute, which includes energy consultants who have helped their clients reduce carbon emissions and costs.

Companies that make the list are approved to act as ESOS lead assessors – which is great news for you.


Because Inteb is on the list, making us a trusted partner to help you with ESOS compliance.


What Is ESOS?


The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for UK organisations that meet the qualification criteria.  Organisations that qualify must conduct an ESOS assessment of their building and industrial processes to identify energy-saving measures every four years.


The Importance Of Energy Efficiency


The benefits of ESOS include:

1.    Consumption awareness

ESOS raises awareness of any energy consumption issues you might have, allowing you to put fixes in place to reduce wastage.

2.    Carbon emission reduction

An ESOS audit will show you where you can reduce your carbon emissions, helping you to hit your sustainability goals and avoid fines.

3.    Lower energy bills

You’ll save money on your energy bills by reducing waste and implementing sustainable practices and equipment.


As an Energy Efficiency Experts member, Inteb is committed to promoting energy efficiency. Taking steps to reduce your carbon emissions is crucial for more than just your business. The world needs it too.

To learn more about ESOS, specifically Phase 3 compliance, check out our article, Does your business need to be ESOS Phase 3 compliant?

Inteb’s Role As A Lead Assessor.


As a Lead Assessor, Inteb can help with compliance with a range of services:

1.    The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

Our commercial energy managers help you set a clear ESOS strategy and achieve a return on investment. And ss an ESOS Lead Assessor, Inteb can help you:

  • Implement energy-saving building upgrades
  • Meet compliance and net zero requirements
  • Maximise your asset with efficiency-related certifications & legislation
  • Manage your portfolios’ energy performance
  • Maintain your business’ competitive advantage
  • Protect your reputation
  • Build value

2.    Streamlined energy and carbon reporting (SECR)

We can manage all SECR obligations, including:

  • Calculating accurate emissions data
  • Providing necessary documentation
  • Conducting required compliance audits

3.    BREEAM

We’ve also accredited BREEAM assessors, so we can help you attain a BREEAM certification which allows building owners to mitigate risk by demonstrating sustainable performance during all stages of:

  • Planning
  • Design
  • Construction
  • Operation
  • Refurbishment

It also helps building owners reduce maintenance and running costs and maximise market value returns.

4.    Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

We provide support for Level 3, 4, and 5 Commercial EPCs, and domestic EPCs if required.

5.    Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)

We help landlords and building owners identify and implement cost-effective changes to achieve an EPC rating of E or higher.


Inteb can provide all the above services and many more.

Should You Work With Inteb?

Absolutely, but we understand if you have reservations, which is why you’ll be happy to know we’ve helped hundreds of businesses and brands, including:

With ESOS compliance and many more energy-saving and compliance services

It’s Time To Work With Inteb.

If you have any questions about ESOS compliance or the services we provide to help you meet your targets, get in touch to book your no-obligation consultation. And check out our listing on the Energy Efficiency Experts register.

Work with an accredited Energy Efficiency Assessor.

Call us now on 0151 601 3476 or email [email protected]