Inteb collaborates with AstraZeneca as it aims for zero carbon emissions - Inteb

Inteb collaborates with AstraZeneca as it aims for zero carbon emissions


A SPECIALIST team from environmental experts Inteb has begun a collaboration with global biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca to work on its programme to achieve zero carbon emissions.

Over the coming year, Inteb, whose energy managers, surveyors, utility and environmental specialists operate nationally from headquarters in Birkenhead, will be focusing on supporting sustainability initiatives at the AstraZeneca site in Liverpool.

Inteb Director Tom Kelly said: “As environmental specialists in supporting UK businesses to reduce carbon emissions, energy usage and costs, we at Inteb place great importance on our collaboration with AstraZeneca to support their vision of being a leader in environmental sustainability to protect our planet for future generations.”

Throughout the coming year, Inteb will be working with AstraZeneca at its Speke site to set minimum sustainability requirements for its local engineering and supplier needs and to ensure regulatory compliance on environmental training.

A new post has been created by Inteb – that of a site “champion” – who will work on site to manage the company’s environmental target performance and work on global sustainability initiatives.

For the whole of 2021, the progress of sustainability objectives at the Speke operation will be monitored by Inteb along with the creation of other environmental initiatives including monitoring utility invoices, a waste audit and working towards the achievement of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certification.

Tom added:

Our work with AstraZeneca will help accelerate initiatives which will tackle climate change.