TM44 Inspections – Maximising Efficiency and Comfort in Commercial Properties - Inteb

TM44 Inspections – Maximising Efficiency and Comfort in Commercial Properties


If you manage commercial spaces, you’re probably aware of TM44 inspections.

In the realm of commercial property management, the quest for energy efficiency is never-ending. Amidst this quest, TM44 inspections emerge as a beacon of opportunity, not only ensuring legal compliance but also paving the way towards significant energy savings and operational excellence. At Inteb, we specialise in transforming these opportunities into realities, enhancing the energy efficiency of your buildings with our expert TM44 inspections.

Understanding TM44 Inspections

TM44: A Brief Overview

TM44 refers to the official guidance for the inspection of air conditioning systems within commercial properties in the UK. It is a crucial component of regulations aimed at reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions from buildings. TM44 inspections are mandated by law for all air conditioning systems with an effective rated output of more than 12kW, requiring assessments to be conducted by qualified and accredited professionals every five years.

Delving Deeper into TM44 Inspections

Understanding TM44 inspections involves recognising their role in promoting energy efficiency and environmental responsibility within the commercial sector. These inspections are designed to ensure that air conditioning systems are operating efficiently, safely, and in compliance with current environmental standards.

The process involves a thorough examination of the system’s current condition, its efficiency, and the adequacy of maintenance routines. Inspectors also assess the system’s sizing compared to the cooling requirements of the building to ensure it is not under or over-sized, which can lead to energy wastage or insufficient cooling.

The outcome of a TM44 inspection is a detailed report that provides insights into the system’s efficiency, recommendations for improvements or repairs, and potential cost savings. This report also serves as a compliance document, proving that the property owner has met their legal obligations.

In essence, TM44 inspections are not just about regulatory compliance; they are a vital step towards optimising building performance, reducing energy costs, and minimising environmental impact. By identifying and implementing the recommended actions from a TM44 report, property owners can ensure their air conditioning systems are contributing to a more sustainable and cost-effective operation.


The Impact of Air Conditioning on Energy Consumption

It might come as a surprise to learn that air conditioning can account for up to 50% of a commercial building’s energy use during peak summer months. Through TM44 inspections, we identify strategies not just to cut costs but also to boost comfort and efficiency across your premises, offering a cooler, more sustainable environment.

Compliance, Penalties, and the Importance of Regular Inspections

Compliance with TM44 regulations is not optional; it’s a legal necessity. Failure to adhere to these regulations can lead to fines starting from £300 per offence, per building/unit. Regular TM44 inspections are therefore essential, not only to avoid penalties but also to ensure your buildings remain energy efficient and compliant.



The Value of an Independent Assessment

At Inteb, we pride ourselves on providing independent, unbiased TM44 assessments. Our inspections offer a clear, comprehensive analysis of your air conditioning systems, identifying potential inefficiencies and offering recommendations for improvements. This independent overview ensures transparency, allowing for informed decisions regarding HVAC maintenance and efficiency enhancements.

Investment in climate goals

Proactive Measures and Environmental Commitment

Adopting a proactive approach to TM44 inspections signifies a commitment to environmental stewardship and operational efficiency. By partnering with Inteb, you’re not just complying with regulations; you’re taking a significant step towards reducing your carbon footprint and enhancing the comfort of your property’s occupants.

Working with Inteb: What to Expect

When you choose Inteb for your TM44 inspection needs, you’re selecting a partner committed to simplicity, efficiency, and thoroughness. Our process is designed to be as straightforward and as hassle-free for our clients as possible, ensuring that from the first contact to the delivery of our comprehensive report, your experience is seamless and productive.

  • Step 1: Initial Contact

Your journey with us begins with a simple phone call or email to our team. During this initial contact, we’ll discuss your needs, answer any questions you may have about TM44 inspections, and gather some basic information about your property and air conditioning systems. This is a great time to mention any specific concerns or requirements you have for your buildings.

  • Step 2: Scheduling Your Inspection

Based on the information provided, we’ll work with you to schedule the inspection at a time that minimises disruption to your operations. Our team of accredited assessors is flexible and will accommodate your business hours, ensuring the inspection process is convenient for you.

  • Step 3: The Inspection

On the day of the inspection, our accredited assessors will conduct a thorough evaluation of your air conditioning systems. This isn’t just a tick-box exercise; we look at the efficiency of your systems, assess maintenance practices, and consider the suitability of your systems in relation to the size and demands of your building. Our assessors use the latest tools and methodologies to ensure your inspection is as comprehensive and insightful as possible.

  • Step 4: The TM44 Report

Following the inspection, you’ll receive a detailed TM44 report that goes beyond the basics. Our reports are designed to provide you with a clear understanding of your system’s performance, highlight any issues, and recommend specific, actionable improvements. These recommendations are tailored to your unique situation, focusing on enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and minimising your carbon footprint.

Unlike standard reports, Inteb’s TM44 assessments offer deeper insights into potential energy savings and performance enhancements. We’ll outline the financial and environmental benefits of each recommended action, providing a clear path to not only compliance but also to improved building performance and energy management.

  • Step 5: Support and Implementation

But our service doesn’t end with the delivery of the report. We’re here to help you understand and implement the recommendations. Whether it’s further clarification on the findings or assistance in planning the next steps, our team remains at your disposal. We can also assist in overseeing the implementation of recommended actions, ensuring that improvements are carried out effectively and in line with best practices.

The Importance of Independent AC Inspection

Beyond compliance, an independent AC inspection or TM44 assessment ensures your systems are operating at peak performance. This proactive measure can lead to significant long-term benefits, including enhanced operational efficiency, cost savings, and prolonged lifespan of your HVAC systems. An independent assessment verifies the effectiveness of your maintenance practices, ensuring that your air conditioning systems are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly.

One of the most valuable aspects of an independent assessment is its ability to shed light on any underlying issues with the incumbent maintenance contractor. It acts as a checks-and-balances mechanism, revealing discrepancies or overlooked areas in maintenance practices. This transparency empowers the property manager or FM to make informed decisions about their HVAC service providers and ensures accountability in delivering quality service.


TM44 inspections are more than a legal tick box; they are a golden opportunity to enhance the energy efficiency, comfort, and environmental impact of your commercial properties. With Inteb’s expertise, you can navigate the complexities of compliance with ease, unlock energy savings, and ensure your buildings are operating at their best. Our commitment to providing independent, comprehensive assessments means you can trust us to deliver insights that make a real difference.

Why Choose Inteb?

Working with Inteb means more than just meeting your legal obligations for TM44 inspections. It means partnering with a team that prioritises your needs, offering a service tailored to the nuances of your property and business. Our process is designed to be efficient, informative, and supportive, ensuring you receive a comprehensive service that stands apart from other providers. With Inteb, you can expect a partnership that delivers on thoroughness, clarity, and continuous support, driving towards a future where your energy management is as efficient and effective as possible.

Don’t let another day pass under the shadow of potential inefficiency. Reach out to Inteb today, and let’s ensure your properties are not only compliant but also contributing positively to your bottom line and the planet. Together, we can set a new standard for operational excellence in commercial property management.