ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme)

Our ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) Compliance Service supports large organisations in meeting their legal obligations under the UK’s ESOS regulation.

ESOS requires large enterprises to conduct comprehensive energy audits across their operations every four years, identifying cost-effective energy saving opportunities.

Our service encompasses the full scope of ESOS requirements, from initial assessment and energy audits to detailed reporting and recommendations for energy efficiency measures.

Our team of qualified Lead Assessors ensures that your organisation not only complies with ESOS regulations but also benefits from identifying significant energy savings opportunities, leading to reduced energy costs and enhanced environmental performance.

Benefits To Client:

Regulatory Compliance: Navigate the ESOS compliance process confidently with expert guidance, ensuring all legal requirements are met timely and efficiently.

Cost Reduction: Uncover and implement energy-saving opportunities identified through ESOS audits, significantly reducing energy expenditure.

Strategic Energy Management: Develop a strategic approach to energy management, utilising ESOS findings to inform long-term sustainability and efficiency strategies.

Competitive Advantage: Enhance your organisation’s reputation by demonstrating a commitment to energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.

Comprehensive Energy Insight: Gain valuable insights into your organisation’s energy consumption patterns, enabling targeted actions to improve efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.