Colin Jones - Inteb

Colin Jones


As Chairman, Colin helps define and communicate Inteb’s vision and long-term strategic goals while serving as an advisor and mentor to the directors. He also ensures the company adheres to legal and regulatory requirements and upholds high ethical standards.

Colin has acquired extensive knowledge of commercial real estate over the last 34 years. He is one of the most experienced practitioners in delivering sustainability for property owners and managers in a climate of constant global economic pressures, legislative requirements, and continuous change.

Before founding Inteb, Colin spent 17 years in various technical roles at the Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) in Manchester. He was at the forefront of activities related to the sustainable property management of CIS’s £2.4 billion property investment portfolio. His remit also included assisting CIS’s executive board in its quest to be a market leader in environmental management, providing opportunities for CIS to make a tangible difference for the environment, stakeholders, and the wider community.