Achieving Global ISO 14001 Certification with KKR - Inteb

Achieving Global ISO 14001 Certification with KKR


Client Overview

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) is a leading global investment firm with a diverse portfolio spanning multiple industries. As part of their commitment to sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives, KKR sought to standardise their environmental management systems and achieve ISO 14001 certification across their global operations.


Client Objectives

KKR aimed to implement and maintain ISO 14001 environmental management systems throughout their investments and offices worldwide. Their specific objectives included:

  • Standardising environmental practices across a diverse portfolio.
  • Ensuring compliance with varying local environmental regulations.
  • Demonstrating their commitment to responsible investing and environmental stewardship to investors and stakeholders.


Our Approach

Inteb provided a comprehensive and tailored approach to meet KKR’s objectives, focusing on several key services and products:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment:
    • Initial Environmental Audits: Conducted audits across KKR’s investments to identify key environmental aspects and impacts.
    • Risk Assessment: Prioritised areas of concern and potential environmental risks within the portfolio.
  2. Global Standardisation:
    • Customised Environmental Management System (EMS): Developed a tailored EMS framework that adhered to ISO 14001 standards while accommodating KKR’s diverse investments.
    • Employee Training: Provided customised training programs to ensure all stakeholders, from investment teams to portfolio companies, understood and contributed to the ISO 14001 implementation process.
  3. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Regulatory Mapping: Created a global regulatory matrix to track environmental regulations applicable to each jurisdiction.
    • Legal Register: Established a legal register to provide a clear overview of compliance obligations and regulatory changes.
  4. Certification Preparation:
    • Documentation: Assisted in developing and documenting the EMS to meet ISO 14001 requirements.
    • Mock Audits: Conducted mock audits across various locations to address potential non-conformities.
    • Certification Body Liaison: Facilitated communication with ISO 14001 certification bodies to ensure a smooth certification process.



Inteb’s collaboration with KKR yielded significant results, demonstrating the value of the tailored services and products:

  1. Global Standardisation:
    • ISO 14001 Certification: Achieved ISO 14001 certification for KKR’s diverse portfolio, reinforcing their commitment to environmental stewardship.
    • Consistency: Standardised environmental practices improved efficiency and minimised environmental risks across investments.
  2. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Proactive Compliance: Maintained a proactive approach to environmental regulations, mitigating compliance-related risks.
    • Reputation Enhancement: ISO 14001 certification bolstered KKR’s reputation as a responsible and sustainable investment firm, attracting environmentally conscious investors.
  3. Sustainability Impact:
    • Resource Efficiency: Streamlined processes and sustainability initiatives led to reduced resource consumption and waste generation, aligning with sustainability goals.
    • Competitive Advantage: Gained a competitive edge by showcasing commitment to ESG and responsible investing.



Our partnership with KKR demonstrates our ability to deliver ISO 14001 environmental management solutions on a global scale, even within the complex landscape of private equity investments. By standardising environmental practices, ensuring regulatory compliance, and achieving ISO 14001 certification across their diverse portfolio, we have helped KKR further their commitment to sustainability and responsible investing. This case study underscores our expertise in supporting organisations in achieving the highest environmental standards, contributing to their long-term success and responsible financial practices.