Helping Churchill Contract Services Ltd to Achieve Sustainability Success - Inteb

Helping Churchill Contract Services Ltd to Achieve Sustainability Success


Client Overview

Churchill Contract Services Ltd is a facilities management company founded in 1999 and headquartered in Luton. As a national organisation, effective data recording and management are critical for compliance and assessing their environmental impact. Churchill sought our expertise to capture and process their utility, fleet, and plant equipment data for the diverse range of services they offer to their clients. With 14,000 employees, business travel forms a significant portion of their carbon footprint, which they have been committed to tracking over the past three years. Additionally, Churchill aims to reduce emissions associated with their gas and electricity supply, and we highlighted the benefits of adopting green tariffs.

Client Objectives

Churchill Contract Services Ltd aimed to achieve several key objectives to enhance their sustainability and energy efficiency:

  1. Data Collection:
    • Accurately and reliably collect data from utility suppliers and telematic data managers.
    • Identify and correct any anomalies in the data.
  2. Data Presentation:
    • Visualise data in an interactive format for easy analysis and review.
    • Discuss trends and anomalies with the environmental and facilities management team.
  3. SECR Compliance:
    • Comply with Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations.
    • Calculate and present emissions data using key business metrics.


Our Approach

Inteb provided a comprehensive approach to meet Churchill’s objectives, focusing on data collection, presentation, and compliance.

  1. Data Collection:
    • Collected information monthly from a range of energy suppliers, including invoices and meter reads, and fleet mileage data from vehicle telematic managers.
    • Investigated consumption at a granular level to highlight and correct anomalies, such as incorrect utility charges associated with inactive meters.
  2. Data Presentation:
    • Uploaded Churchill’s monthly utility, fleet, and equipment consumption figures into interactive data visualisation software.
    • Displayed information in various formats, including charts, tables, and key data headlines.
    • Discussed visualisations in Monthly Energy Performance Reviews to identify trends and anomalies with the environmental and facilities management team.
  3. SECR Compliance:
    • Calculated Churchill’s emission data using three key business metrics: carbon emissions per vehicle, carbon emissions per plant machine, and kWh per square meter of office area.
    • Combined these metrics into carbon emissions per £1,000,000 annual turnover.
    • Achieved an average reduction of 24% in intensity ratio during the 2022-2023 financial year compared to the previous year.



  1. Carbon Reductions:
    • Identified periods of substantial carbon savings, leading to a 30% reduction in overall carbon footprint from 2021 to 2023.
    • Committed to converting 70% of their fleet to electric vehicles (EVs) by 2035.
    • Collected granular site-level data to identify offices with the lowest utility consumption and carbon emissions, allowing for targeted investigations and improvements.
  2. Environmental Benefits:
    • Sourced a large proportion of utility tariffs from renewable contracts, reducing reliance on non-renewable resources.
    • Set a positive example for clients and managed facilities across the UK through comprehensive energy reduction efforts.
  3. Reputation and Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Enhanced reputation among clients, investors, and stakeholders through a commitment to recording, analysing, and reducing carbon footprint.
    • Actively promoted sustainability aims and achievements on their dedicated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) page, “Building a Sustainable Future.”



Our collaboration with Churchill Contract Services Ltd has been an impressive sustainability success story. Our data-driven approach resulted in a significant 30% reduction in their carbon footprint from 2021 to 2023 and uncovered cost savings from correcting erroneous utility charges. We are proud to contribute to Churchill’s journey towards becoming a more sustainable and responsible company. Our ongoing partnership aims to continually improve data collection and analysis methods, helping Churchill reach their goal of converting 70% of their fleet to EVs by 2035. By partnering with us, Churchill has demonstrated the positive impact of understanding and addressing their key emission sources.

Client: Churchill Group