Guide for business leaders and influencers to do the right thing - Inteb

Guide for business leaders and influencers to do the right thing


Energy efficiency, energy conservation and energy management

Energy efficiency is about using less energy to provide the same service or product. The term energy efficiency can also be used to compare buildings:

If two buildings are supplied with the same amount of energy to provide heating and cooling, the building that can generate and retain the most – rather than producing less and then losing it – is the more energy-efficient.

A simpler example would be to install thermal insulation, or have a more efficient boiler in the building, to heat the room to the same temperature using less energy.

Energy conservation involves collectively re-thinking the way a business does things, adjusting individual behaviours and habits, to focus on the most useful, curbing the most extravagant and eliminating the most harmful emissions. Examples include turning the thermostat down one or two degrees in a heated room, turning off the light when you leave the room and curbing the use of business transport.

Why do we need to be energy efficient and reduce carbon?

We are using up our planet’s natural resources, destroying vital habitats and polluting the air. Being energy efficient and reducing our carbon emissions is a crucial way of managing and limiting these impacts.

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. More than one in seven native UK species faces extinction – including 30 per cent of birds – mainly due to pollution and toxic algae growth caused by climate change.

We have seen some positives during the Covid crisis, with energy demand and transport use falling dramatically and resulting in better air quality. However, as we generally ease lockdown restrictions, the threat is real once more, notably as the UK has previously failed to meet almost all of its UN targets on wildlife and habitats.

Energy management is the systematic process of understanding, controlling and reducing your organisation’s energy consumption and, if done effectively, can result in multiple benefits which include:

  • Helping a business to become more competitive by driving efficiency and savings
  • Cutting costs through competitive procurement and risk analysis
  • Reducing carbon for greater corporate social responsibility
  • Tracking utility costs to prepare more accurate budgets and gain greater insight into operational costs
  • Reducing reliance on inherently volatile supply chains

To be effective, it needs commitment, planning and sustained effort in all areas of the business – but particularly at senior executive level.

Energy management programmes incorporate the use of data, control technology and employee resources to facilitate strategic decision-making that aligns with overall business objectives and financial performance.

A no-brainer for large energy consumers but even with SMEs, if energy efficiency measures are implemented to their full potential, energy bills could be reduced by 30 per cent.

How do you start?

Employ an energy manager or a consultant. If you choose to go down the consultancy route, be careful and carry out proper due diligence – talk to existing customers, ask if they have experience in your sector, review case studies and so on. In short, do your homework and please, please don’t make decisions on fees alone – you get what you pay for and nothing is free!

Top Tips

  • Make sure your senior team understand how and where energy is being used – do this first.


  • Have a plan and identify responsibilities early on. Include the savings you expect to achieve and the rate of return if you are going to invest in technology. The key to any plan is in its execution and to deploying resources needed to engage and train staff.


  • Understand your risks – legislation, price rises and future shortage or disruption of energy supply.


  • Ensure you have a procurement process that takes into account value for money (VFM) and your overall business objectives.


  • Measure, monitor and control.


  • Metering – data is key to understanding energy use and gives a clear picture of usage at various times throughout the day and night. Real-time analysis is where you want to go as this will save the most significant amount and will give instant results. Gas and water should also be metered.


  • Control systems – in addition to a business management system (BMS), which often is not programmed effectively to reduce energy and in any case needs constant assessment to match the business needs, there is low-cost technology now available. This can be deployed in the short and medium-term to control equipment and reschedule working parameters remotely. These systems should be programmed to run alongside the BMS for maximum benefits and immediate returns.


  • Invest in renewables – Moving away from fossil fuels has to the be the right way forward.


  • Whether it’s switching to a renewable power supply, on-site generation or even off-site generation through power purchase agreements, this can help companies cut carbon and the cost of energy.

Meeting the challenges of the future with a brand new website

At a time when many things are changing to meet the challenges of the future, here at Inteb we have just launched one of our most exciting ventures – our new website.

Even its name We Are Inteb sends out the message that, although we’re living in an electronic age, our people are the most important part of our business.

It’s designed to affirm that our customers come first in every service we offer to support UK businesses in reducing carbon emissions, optimising energy costs and meeting regulatory obligations.

It also reflects the Inteb Customer Charter and our commitment to making sure our teams of energy managers, surveyors, utility and environmental specialists are accessible, easy to work with and, most of all, reliable and trustworthy in our energy management and environmental partnerships.

Most of all, we want our services – in line with the ethos that’s the cornerstone of Inteb – to be clear and transparent.

Our own staff were involved in the content and design of the new website. After all, they are the ones who best know our customers’ needs and, armed with this knowledge, have helped to create a product that gives better access to The Inteb Way of carbon and energy management for your business.

The easy-to-navigate site tells you who we are, how we work, our people and, with a diverse range of case studies, how our customers are benefiting from our services and expertise.

The best thing is to see it yourself at

Let us know what you think – we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Triple ISO accolade confirms our commitment to customers and our own workforce

Another huge achievement for us this week comes with the news that, once again, we have been awarded a triple ISO accolade that confirms our commitment to putting our customers and our own workforce at the forefront of all Inteb’s operations.

These three separate ISO standards –1SO 9001 certification for Quality Management, ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and ISO 45001 for Health and Safety – demonstrate our high levels of service, operation and safety.

ISO 9001 shows that organisations not only claim they offer a quality service but also actually deliver it while ISO 14001 focuses on the environmental systems a business employs. ISO 45001 is designed to help organisations improve the health and safety conditions of employees to create a healthier, safer and risk-free workplace.

Certification for all three standards was awarded following rigorous independent external audit. We believe that meeting their wide-ranging criteria demonstrates how highly we place responsibility to our customers, our suppliers and to our staff on our ethical business agenda.

ISO accreditations have trust embedded in them and they show how much we value the business of our partners in the delivery of our energy management systems and advice.

They also indicate – via these independent accreditations – that we really mean what we say about the high level of services we offer and, with the consistency of these services, that we are leading the way among energy management consultancies.

Do the right thing.

Lets get the conversation started – call us now on 0151 601 3476 or contact us