Industry Insights - Inteb

Industry Insights

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COP26: success or failure?

When information began to emerge about what the COP26 climate summit would entail, there was a sense of excited anticipation about how world leaders would finally take the decisive action required to

Charging the transition to EVs – infrastructure, investment and innovation

As with all of the headline topics up for discussion at climate summit COP26, transport had its own day and its own moment. ‘Transport Day’, on November 10th 2021, provided a platform for world leader

London as prime investment location prompts property retrofit

With the eyes of the world focused on Glasgow and COP26 in November it might have been easy to miss an important accolade that could see a positive knock-on effect for investment throughout the UK. On

A simple element with huge potential – why hydrogen could be the fuel of the future

Such was the emphasis at COP26 on hydrogen as a sustainable solution to achieving a decarbonised planet, it warranted its own summit: the Hydrogen Transition Summit. In a meeting of minds, experts sha

Carbon capture and storage: a global cure-all for decarbonisation?

Both carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects and technology were showcased with pride at exhibits across the COP26 climate summit as the deal-makers and negotiators grappled with the big questions a

Improving the energy efficiency of buildings – what to invest in and why

Each attendee at climate summit COP26 had an opinion about the speed required to transition from coal to clean power. The delegates and representatives fiercely debated goals, timeframes and phrasing,

Financing the future: investment for climate goals

If there is one thing that has emerged from climate summit – COP26 – and the UK government’s net-zero strategy is a sense of urgency for us to transition quickly in order to achieve agreed

Carbon offset credits: a call for revolution not reliance

The objective of climate summit COP26 was to keep the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C alive, and campaigners, scientists, and activists attending the summit in Glasgow made sure that the cons

Technology – present and future – to decarbonise the planet

As COP26 draws to an close and agreements are made about how to reach the 1.5C temperature goal set in the Paris Agreement, we’re taking a look at both the current and emerging technologies that will