CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Reporting

Our CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Reporting Service provides organisations with the support needed to accurately report their greenhouse gas emissions and develop clear, effective carbon management strategies.

Engaging with the CDP enables companies to measure, manage, disclose and ultimately reduce their environmental impact. Participation in the CDP reporting process underscores a commitment to environmental responsibility and enhances credibility with investors, customers and broader stakeholders.

Our comprehensive service encompasses the calculation of your GHG emissions across all scopes, submission of detailed reports in line with CDP guidelines and strategic advice on emissions reduction targets and carbon management practices to improve your CDP rating over time.

Benefits To Client:

Increased Transparency: Boost your organisation’s transparency around its climate impact with precise GHG emissions reporting.

Enhanced CDP Performance: Attain better CDP scores, increasing your appeal to investors and building trust with stakeholders regarding your environmental commitments.

Effective Carbon Strategy: Formulate and execute a solid carbon management strategy that adheres to international standards and reduction goals.

Market Differentiation: Set your organisation apart in a market that increasingly values sustainability and conscientious environmental practices.

Regulatory Readiness: Keep ahead of the curve regarding environmental legislation and reporting obligations, reducing risk and cementing your status as a sustainability leader.